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    Home / College Guide / UFOlogy: This Blog Is Making Known Proof of Extraterrestrial Life for a 13th Yea
     Posted on Tuesday, April 23 @ 00:00:09 PDT

    The many meaningful and detailed facts in this article require some reflection in order for the reader to fully comprehend the significance of the diverse data, evidence and veritable proof being shared. The evidence presented in previous blog articles being reviewed in this article encompasses extraterrestrial visitation experiencers Truman Bethurum, Jeff Greenhaw and Arthur Shuttlewood, among others. The data makes known that people who limit their knowledge to mainstream data sources arent even aware of how limited their orientation is concerning what may be experienced during an Earth life. Truman Bethurum was among the earliest flying saucer contactees who became prominent during the 1950s and his contacts were chronologically the first to begin among them. The first article at this blog to identify the photographed and explained-in-detail physical proof of space people given to Truman Bethurum (1898-1969) during his contactee experiences is The Letters from Aboard a Flying Saucer published in March 2012. The incident is reported in the case study book Aboard a Flying Saucer (1954). When one comprehends the significance of the two letters again being shown in this article — one in Chinese and the other in French — bestowed upon Truman Bethurum while he was aboard a flying saucer , it is undeniable how these simple objects discreetly make possible essential insights into the nature of UFOS / UAP and visitations on Earth by humanity from extraterrestrial / extradimensional realms of existence .

    Truman himself was unable to place in context the bombshell physical proof he was provided in relation to the other cases of paranormal transcendental communication that are identified in this article. A plethora of photographic and video documentation of flight and transmutations of unexplained flying objects correlate with what may be learned through considering the evidentiary information collected in this article. B elow are shown Police officer Jeff Greenhaws Falkville Incident Alien Encounter nighttime Polaroid Photos #3 and #4 of the four that were taken. The in-depth Official UFO Magazine Vol. 1 No. 4 November 1975 article by Colman Von Keviczky is The Space Creature Photos Are Not A Hoax, which may be read in the entirety with the 2020 blog article Detailed Report of Jeff Greenhaws Falkville Incident Alien Encounter Testimonial . Von Keviczky explained How the Credulous Public Was Bluffed through a disinformation campaign to think that the encounter was merely a hoax. One of Von Keviczky s conclusions is that The news media is under the influence of some form of censorship, supposedly for reasons of national security . . . It would be felonious carelessness if the ICUFON and DUIST e.

    V. organizations neglected to expose the circumstances surrounding policeman Jeffrey Greenhaws encounter with the space robot. Its a significant missing link. Heres an excerpt from Von Keviczkys assessment of this encounter case chronology. There does, however, seem to be a UFO harassment team at work. A series of strange events happened to Police Chief Greenhaw after his photos and report were made public. This well-planned operation led to Greenhaws resignation and divorce. Why did this happen? Can it be that Greenhaws evidence contradicts the U.S. Governments policy of branding all UFO sightings hoaxes, hallucinations and misidentifiications? The following summarizes the terror campaign against Greenhaw. . . . The eyewitness testimonials collected throughout journalist and contactee Arthur Shuttlewoods nonfiction books about momentous events that occurred in the vicinity of Warminster, England comprise what is one of the most intricate collections of firsthand accounts in relation to the possibilities of earthly transcendental/paranormal interaction. In my X /twitter.com posts Ive commented — This UFOs / UAP / flying saucers / UFOlogy article offers data considered unspeakable by government officials indoctrinated to military regime social consciousness.

    Also — It seems that a reason many UFOlogists dont accept Arthur Shuttlewoods 1967 account of his encounter with Karne of the Planet Aenstria is simply that this information doesnt conform with the indoctrinated mystification social consciousness. Arthur Shuttlewoods face-to-face encounter with Karne of the planet Aenstria is described in Warnings from Flying Friends (1968). Here is some of Arthurs description of the incident. This man was a good two inches above my own height of six feet. His eyes, although blurred by thick spectacle lenses, impressed me straight away. They held my gaze riveted for several seconds. The glasses had silvery rims and sidepieces to long and slightly outthrust ears. The eyes were bright, a brilliant blue or gray-green, set wide in a long and narrow face. I noticed no trace of pupils at their centre, yet cannot be positive he had none. If he had, they were indiscernible to my penetrating scrutiny. I was on the watch for physical characteristics that vary from ours. Standing on the doorstep, a trifle irresolute, I judged his physical strength less than mine. I was bigger built and more powerful. For a fleeting fraction of time I was tempted to lunge forward, grasp him tightly, usher him indoors, overpower him and ring the police.

    This would finally end all doubts as to whether Aenstrians are actual entities and not fakes. His hands, more than his eyes, dissuaded me from such action. Slender, pointed fingers of his hands were meeting in a repeated movement in front of him as he stood there, immobile. He pressed them together as though making a personal power circle or circuit around him and between us. I find it difficult to convey in words, but as soon as the hostile thought flashed into my mind it froze. ( article ) This sketch from the book depicts Arthurs visitor without the glasses. Karne is quoted in Warnings from Flying Friends: Greetings to you, Shuttlewood. We bring great love and peace with us. You must learn fully to trust us, before it is too late. Your Earth time is desperately short. All indications are that there will be a third World War on the Earth cantel. We are not permitted to subjugate the wills of other brethren to our own, no matter how far they have strayed from the paths of Love, Light and Truth. Man must learn to use his faculties. But the forthcoming years presage the death of your old civilization and the birth of a new and glorious age. Already many of your people are sensing a change within themselves, by peaceful usurping of their thought and behaviour patterns, by personal vibrations they now experience, have wondered at and are beginning to understand.

    We have known your peoples from the long ago. Sadly, they have forgotten us. Look deep within yourself and the prayed-for inspiration of Light, Wisdom and Truth will be perpetually with you in your journeying through life. It was always so, and always will be so. Time changes but truth does not. A 35-minute 1968 Arthur Shuttlewood interview is available to be heard at https://soundcloud.com/markrbell . Other documented so-called contactee case chronologies profiled in blog articles include Orfeo Angelucci , Daniel Fry , Dana Howard and Paulina Peavy ; however, it is Truman Bethurum was was given the bombshell physical proof that provides the key to placing in perspective UFOlogy and transcendental communication case chronologies. Truman Bethurum (1898-1969) books with Truman Bethurums autobiographical writings Trumans initial encounter with space people was reported to have occurred on July 27, 1952 and he was instructed by the female captain to make this known to all the people of the world. A professional construction engineer, welder, machine operator and mechanic, Truman reported that he informed the captain: I am not a writer and I can hardly read my own writing! She promised in response, You will have no trouble writing about our visits with you.

    After the March 2012 article at this blog about Truman Bethurum, t hree more blog articles about Truman Bethurum followed in April 2012 ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) and one provides a link to an 11 1/2-minute audio recording of an August 1954 radio interview. This recording remains available at https://soundcloud.com/markrbell with a link provided below. Trumans comments about the space people during the radio interview indicate some of the reasons that this case is never addressed or mentioned by people employed within the military government bureaucracy responsible for making known facts about UFOS / UAP. Evidence of censorship about this subject in the news media is the topic of a 2013 blog article UFO Secrecy about the years 1958-1960. A Feb. 27, 1960 New York Times article quotes the first director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter: It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings. Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense. To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel.

    If the subject was this restricted in 1960, one can imagine how much more rigid media regulation has been becoming throughout the following decades while this immoral conduct has become further institutionalized. Other articles also identify evidence of news media regulation. (incl. 1 , 2 , 3 ) In one of the 2012 blog articles, UFOlogy researchers Bryant and Helen Reeve are quoted from their 1957 nonfiction book Flying Saucer Pilgrimage regarding their interaction with Truman Bethurum . Mr. Bethurum is a large, tall, and husky out-of-doors type of man. His schooling has been limited to grammar school and a few years in high school, but he nevertheless speaks with an excellent choice of words. In his work he is an expert maintenance mechanic familiar with dredges and road building equipment and is highly respected by his fellow workers. We liked his simple, sincere and forthright nature . . . . a July night in 1952 he first contacted a large round flat flying saucer in a desolate area near Glendale Nevada, U. S. A. The crew led him to the captain who turned out to be feminine instead of masculine.* (*This space-being gave her name as Aura Rhanes. The authors have felt that this might well be a symbolic name conveying the cosmic concept that the aura reigns.

    Deep students of cosmic truth recognize that control of the aura is one of the cosmic steps in mans regaining his lost control of himself and of matter.) He had the experience of actually boarding the space-ship and conversing with the captain in English. He later learned that she could speak and write several of our earth languages. Between July and November of 1952 Mr. Bethurum made eleven contacts and boarded the same craft on as many occasions. However he was not given a ride on the saucer. He went aboard it on the ground. Many details are set forth in his written account, and to us these details are worthy of intense study by any sincere researcher. Taken alone these details might appear to be too fantastic to merit serious attention, but in terms of the coordinating work of our research they are, in our opinion, of outstanding value as a contribution to our human knowledge of this vast subject. The details are not out of line with the larger picture of space-craft, space-people and space-phenomena which gradually unfolded to our astonished eyes as our saucer pilgrimage proceeded . Knowing the man as we do, may we state that even after the greater perspective of our pilgrimage we still regard his experiences as some of the greatest contributions in the entire saucer saga.

    In our humble opinion, he had not only one of the greatest personal saucer experiences, but he had one of the hardest rows to hoe — because not a single friend had the courage to be a witness to the contacts. Moreover, his naturalness and simple honesty resulted in an account of his experiences uncontaminated by speculative science or philosophical propaganda. It was, in short, a priceless factual account. We often wonder whether if some of us ordinary mortals had those experiences we could have told about them as factually and sincerely as he did. We have learned that space-visitors are quite choosey as regards the characteristics of those who are physically contacted, and in our thinking Truman Bethurum had certain qualities which made him acceptable for these contacts. More recently the authors have received word from Truman Bethurum stating that he is in Prescott, Arizona, that his contact with extra-terrestrial beings is continuing, and that under their guidance he is endeavoring to establish a New Age Sanctuary of Thought, a group dedicated to world peace. Details about that most recent 1955 contact are provided in the 2016 blog article In Comparison: Four Transcendental Requests .

    Something in common with Truman shared by other American flying saucer contactees whose cases have been extensively documented is that during a period of their lifetimes they each resided in the area of Los Angeles . The name of the city and county of Los Angeles is Spanish for the angels. His case was investigated by a man who became a highly publicized contactee claimant George Adamski (now easy to discredit as did Phillip Coppens ) prior to the publication of Adamskis own book. There are correlations between the Truman Bethurum case chronology and channeling/automatic writing cases of transcendental communication and these are the topic of another 2016 blog article, A Flying Saucer Contactees Poetic Phase . Heres an excerpt from the article — Truman explained in the Foreword of The Voice of the Planet Clarion : At the close of the first visit, the lady Space Captain Aura Rhanes told Truman to make the visit known to the people of your world . . . Captain Aura told him to write down the visits and what was said, in the manner in which she spoke. Upon his return home, after the second visit, he took his pen and started to concentrate. To his surprise, the words flowed from the pen, as if Aura, herself, had hold of it.

    The following pages are the result . The book Aboard a Flying Saucer was written from notes taken at the actual time of the visits and more fully detailed each time, soon after the Scow had departed. Here are some of the stanzas about Trumans experienced visits from The Voice of the Planet Clarion (circa 1957) . Her flesh was real and plenty firm. Her shape was like an expensive urn, She was just over four feet tall, And certainly entrancing, all in all! [Aura:] Your deserts and plains could be transformed overnight, To a place, that from heaven, would look plenty bright! The money you spend every year for a War, Would bring water in, if need be, from afar. My mind was a blank, I guess, I must have been thinking of home. I picked up my tools and got in my car, And just then was startled by a slight little jar! Then her sweet voice rang out, You know, here we are! I recognized it as from Aura Rhanes, My friend from another planet or star. Now, education with us, is tops, you see, And every language we learn. Science, culture and history, too, As around every planet we turn. I told Aura I had a question for her. Marilyn Mills had written in French. I dont know a word it said, But Aura typed the answer, too.

    In a language Ive never read! And just in fun, I snickered a bit, With a very little wheeze. I said, The joke would be on her, If you answered in Chinese! She called for some paper and wrote it down. It looked like scribbling to me! She said, When this gets around, it will be the ta lk of the town, And I do it without a fee! I was getting so tired I could hardly see. She said, You better get home! She also said, With the notes I give, You should write this down like a poem! We have a machine we know is not on Earth, But we have had it for time untold! And any time we want any events reviewed, It is there on a screen to behold! [Aura:] Now, I know my description of this lovely affair Really sounds like a poem, But its really true in detail, too, Then we belatedly left for home. Truman Bethurum is one of the four prominent contactee cases profiled in the 2019 blog article Flying Saucer Contactees and the New Age . These article paragraphs are included here to provide a summary of this particular case chronology. One of the quoted statements of the female flying saucer captain is: There is more to this than meets the eye. It is impossible for me to explain to you so that you can understand.

    And Im not certain I ought, even were it possible. Remember, I am speaking to you in a tongue quite foreign to me about matters entirely foreign to your comprehension. Truman mentioned something hed noticed about talking to Captain Aura Rhanes: I had several questions just on the tip of my tongue that I never had a chance to ask, because she seemed to have the power of channeling my questions along a line that she was willing or possibly even anxious to answer . . . I even asked her questions about the solar system and her religion. And she told me, We worship a Supreme Deity who sees, knows and controls all. Truman Bethurum wrote in the final book about the Clarionites: The crew, or crews, as far as I could determine, would range in size from the Captain, approximately four feet, six inches, to the tallest of the men, about five feet, two or three inches. They were all fully developed and, in their general appearance, resembled adults. The Captain, although mentioning that she is a mother and a grandmother, looked as youthful as any young college girl of this Earth. Their features were symmetrical and one could quickly detect that these people were a race apart from our familiar mixtures on Earth, although I suspected at first that they were of Spanish or Italian origin.

    I noticed that each had a slight, peculiar crook at the bridge of their nose. Their foreheads were normally high in comparison to their size. None had a receding hairline or any semblance of anything except perfect health. Their movements indicated that these people are very agile, far beyond the ordinary concept of agility. I found I had to hurry a little to keep up with their leisurely manner, whether walking with the lady Captain or the men of her crew. In his first book, he had reported about Captain Aura and her high pitched voice: . . . this woman was talking to me in a swinging, rhythmic tone of voice, much like you read Mother Goose verses to your children . . . In The Voice of the Planet Clarion , Truman described a unique visitation incident in December 1955 when Captain Aura visited him in his home in Prescott, Arizona. Telling him that she wanted him to build a Sanctuary of Thought, she informed him: My purpose in bringing this message to you is so that you and your people of your Earth planet can, and will, bring PEACE to your troubled world. ( article ) In his final book, Truman mentioned something unusual hed noticed that occurred to him when promoting his i nitial book: I had never written any poetry and could not rhyme two words.

    I just didnt have it in me to do that — but now its different! Many times, when I have sold a book and the purchaser wishes me to autograph it, I have found myself writing something that a second before I had no thought or knowledge of. The peculiar thing, even to me, it usually turned out to be in the same vein that AURA spoke, and also, a thought far above anything that I could have previously conceived. One time in San Francisco, I became quite ill and decided to go to Los Angeles. A friend brought a book to me to be autographed before I left. I was so weak that I actually had to lean across a fender of my car to stand up, but something took my pen and continued writing after I had signed my name! The friend was so impressed that a copy was made and mailed to me later. I, too, was impressed with the utter impact of the words and their apparent meaning. I will reproduce this copy here to show how thought transference can really work: The world will awake, and sometime soon, Regret of dancing to the same old tune. Science and knowledge will both join hands And fill the floor from the crowded stands. Life with gaity, understanding, too, Will very soon become the rule. Well realize before too long, That wars all follow a macabre song.

    Nothing is gained from national duels, But the realization we were led by fools! Truman himself observed: From talking with many people, I am convinced that the world is ready, willing and anxious for a change — a peaceful change from the conditions existing on Earth now! It is not necessary to have a nuclear war causing mass-murders and contamination of everything by radioactivity in order to bring on the New Age. The following commentary is from the 2019 case study blog article about Truman Bethurum. His phenomenal experiences inspired a spirituality that compelled him to speak out against the social corruption that he’d observed over the years. For example, the discovery of a faked newspaper photo stated to show the late dictator Mussolini and his moll hanging by their feet although her hair remained at her shoulders was among the reasons for Truman commenting, Propaganda has absolutely no place in America. The truth will set us free. To censor the truth or hand out propaganda simply means that one or a few persons assume they are more intelligent than anyone else and that they alone are eligible or capable of knowing the truth and therefore force falsehood and deceit upon everyone else.

    His life experiences as a young man included manual labor and construction jobs, buying a house near Bellflower and becoming a family man. There was an account of an intuitive occurrence when he accepted a job in the San Luis Obispo area. When there was no local housing available, Truman made a spontaneous inquiry and found weekly lodging: I drove around town several times, and during each trip I seemed to end up in front of a certain house on Broad Street. Why this happened I don’t know, but Lady Luck must have been steering the car. One of the new anecdotes following the visits of the space people also related to an intuitive experience as Truman recalled being able to correctly call out the results of a sequence of target shooting from one hundred yards away. The way he conceived of such a thing being possible was attributing this knowledge to Aura Rhanes again being in some manner of telepathic communication with him. Something left unstated is the knowledge of God as an omnipresent spiritual Oneness with each individual organism/entity/unit being a component. In 2020 this blogger published the blog article Here Is UFOlogys Bombshell Physical Proof that includes the following passages.

    It has always been a thought-provoking realization that with some fields of anomalous manifestation, the authenticity of documentation is discernible if detailed case evidence is learned instead of a reader trusting the opinion of some disparaging commentator ignorantly motivated by a denialist agenda. At first glance, it is generally noticeable how articles of evidence that show some aspect of anomalous manifestation are recognizably simple in some way reflecting social norms of the epoch reflected (such as photos of seance room materializations and psychic photography ; recordings that document Direct Voice phenomena , spiritual healing and Instrumental Transcommunication ; and some correlating specific word and number patterns found throughout a variety of paranormal case chronologies). ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ) The book had been written with the assistance of experienced author Mary Kay Tennison. Truman Bethurum (1898-1969) would eventually make available to readers his original notes of the visits in The Voice of the Planet Clarion (1957). Trumans first book mentions George Adamski, whose case chronology lacks any bombshell physical proof (to say the least). Adamski had written about having made personal contact with a man from another world in Flying Saucers Have Landed published in September 1953.

    Adamski invited Truman for a visit so that the two of them could compare experiences. The visit took place in July 1953 and Adamski made a tape recording of Truman talking about his contact encounters. Adamski then publicized Trumans case and the result was surprising. Truman recalled how his life with his wife in Redondo Beach, California suddenly changed: Our doorbell began to ring mornings before we could even have our breakfast, and it hardly stopped for an intermission all day long and far into the night. The annals of transcendental communication establish a long chronology of cases involving materialized letters and human masters of wisdom representing a realm of human existence beyond the physical plane. Previous blog articles about these cases include “The Mahatma Letters” , “The ITC Letters” , “ A Sitting with Slate-Writing Medium Mr. P. O. Keeler 1911 ”, “The Bangs Sisters” and “Metaphysically Revealing Experiences in the Life of Maurice Barbanell” . Also previously reported in relation to Truman Bethurums testimonials are some of the paranormal case studies where an individual experienced unprecedented creativity or automatic writing involving poetry or proverbs, including Pearl Lenore Curran , whose psychic experiences began with Ouija Board communication; Chico Xavier , a famous Brazilian author of books via automatic writing; Lynn Russell , who was a regular participant in Direct Voice Communication seances; Elizabeth Fuller , who was the colleague (and later became the wife) of author John G.

    Fuller ( The Interrupted Journey , Arigo ). A blog article about automatic writing mediumship is The Automatic Mirror Writing of Mrs. Georgia . As with most people of modern times, Truman Bethurum knew nothing about the gamut of paranormal case chronologies and therefore it is understandable that he couldnt articulate any metaphysical context concerning the two letters provided to him. In addition to his original notes, The Voice of the Planet Clarion includes Some Poems Given Under the Inspiration of Aura Rhanes as Truman had no other orientation concerning what meaning could be fathomed in relation to his newfound creativity. One of Trumans poems suggests a potential mantra that has the potential of helping the reader to develop a perspective about Thought Transference in relation to limitations of free will: What are we waiting for, A better world, you say? Something that was elusive yester year, As it is today? We scan the sky and heaven, And wonder when twill come. I have an unusual answer, Its when we think as ONE! Trumans final remembrance of the occurrences in his life and interaction with Aura Rhanes was published posthumously as The People of the Planet Clarion (1970).

    The memoir includes articles and artwork by Columba Krebs (Annabell Culverwell 1902-1998) with Truman having mentioned: I shared the lecture platform with Columba Krebs in Troupers Hall, Hollywood, and in Santa Barbara. At this time she showed her colorful slides from her symbolic paintings, The Mysteries of Man and the Universe. Some of these slides portrayed the Space ships coming to neutralize nuclear explosions, such as in the picture, Wave of the Future. Included in one chapter identifying friends whod supported Truman is this declaration: To Columba Krebs, for the inspired cover she painted for this book and for the many hours she spent transcribing my handwritten notes on the typewriter. I am sure that time will prove that she is one of the worlds greatest artists The book concludes with My Amazing Experience with Truman Bethurum by Columba Krebs. This article presents her personal testimonial of unusual events observed at times when she and Truman were together. Columba Krebs recalled: I met him when I came to California, as well as most of the other contactees, to learn more about the space people. He kept telling me that his secretary resembled Aura Rhanes (the space woman commanding the flying saucer he visited).

    A prominent feature of his secretarys face were her arched eyebrows, and he kept impressing upon me that Aura Rhanes also had such eyebrows. Later, I was to be reminded of this. He helped me to move from Santa Monica to Los Angeles. As we drove in his car to my hotel, to pick up my baggage, I remarked wistfully: I wish we could see Aura Rhanes drive up in front of my hotel when we arrive there. Maybe she will come walking along the street, so watch for her, he replied with a mysterious air. After most of my luggage was in his car, I stood beside it while he went inside to bring out the last pieces. As I waited for his return, I noticed a lovely little lady coming toward me. To my delighted surprise, she was dressed exactly as Mr. Bethurum had described her in his book (black velvet jacket, with red bows, red pleated skirt, even to the black beret with a red stripe across it). Her hair was curly black and her large expressive eyes were keenly penetrating. As she approached they looked straight through me, then she glanced inside the car where my paintings were. Turning back to me, she gave me the most brilliant and warmest smile I have ever seen on any face. A great excitement and turmoil rose in me as what to do about this new situation.

    If her eyebrows had been arched, I would have spoken to her, and tried to hold her until Bethurum came out again, to confirm my identification or otherwise. But, my confusion about the shape of her eyebrows held me back, and thus lost me another chance to meet her — or else expose an impersonator when he came out. Thus, between wondering which alternative to take, I just stood as though spellbound. As she passed me, I suddenly wondered whether her looking at my art work and her wonderful smile was an encouraging sign that the space people intend to help my art career. This thought made me whirl around determined to run after her and buttonhole her until he appeared. But, to my utter amazement and disappointment she had literally vanished! There was no doorway nearby that she could have slipped into. In that short moment, she had not enough time to reach the corner, nor had she crossed the street. So, naturally, I wondered how she could have disappeared so quickly! I blamed myself for not thinking fast enough! This inexplicable vanishing act convinced me that I had really seen Aura Rhanes (remembering how his book described these magical peoples ability to appear and disappear at will).

    I resolved that if such an opportunity should come again, I would not be caught napping. But the space people seldom try the same thing again, if they fail to find enough response the first time. On the way to L.A. I told him about the strange incident, and he just scolded me for not calling him out the moment I had laid eyes on her. Other Articles Correlating with UFOlogy Evidence Presented in This Article UFO photos comparison from Beyond Earth (1974) by Ralph & Judy Blum: at top is the Oregon Trent photo #2 (1950) and shown beneath is an almost identical UFO photo (1954) taken by a pilot flying over Rouen, France. Below those photos is seen the first one taken of the UFO seen passing above the Trents farm with a magnification at right. ( 2021 blog article ) Articles: Anomalous Phenomena - Considering the Basis for Disbelief and Fear a nd The Quantum Observer Effect and UFOs/UAP/Flying Saucers ; other examples of The Quantum Observer Effect and UFOs/UAP/Flying Saucers are provided in two books entitled UFOs Caught On Camera! in relation to the Ryuho Okawa (1956-2023) channeling case chronology. ( 1 , 2 ) Concerning the tremendous array of evidence of anomalous phenomena mentioned in articles of this blog, beyond the contactee autobiographies, many transcendental communication topics and cases are overlooked or ignored by contemporary people to a vast extent.

    Forms of this communication include channeling, automatic writing and art, Direct Voice cases, Electronic Voice Phenomena and Instrumental Transcommunication, spiritual healing, precipitated paintings, psychic photography and so on. ( Articles Index of Subjects and Titles with Links ) It has always been a thought-provoking realization that with some fields of anomalous manifestation where proof is discernible if the case is researched, some artifacts generally are sometimes noticeable upon first glance as being recognizably simple in some way expressing social norms of the epoch reflected; therefore, a knowledgeable person and an ignorant person can have an opposite reaction to the same evidence. Considering two photos taken of materializations at Helen Duncan seances ( 1 , 2 ) as shown: (below left) if they can do this; (below right) they can also do this. Click on photos for a larger image — a point of particular importance is the formation of the ectoplasmic stream emanating from medium Helen Duncan to the manifesting simulacrum under controlled seance conditions. UFOlogy and Seance Phenomena Correlations - Testimonials Mentioning Blue Light or Blue This article provides a summary list of instances of blue light or the color blue being mentioned in UFOlogy testimonials correlating with descriptions of seance room phenomena, as detailed in p receding blog articles offering some UFO report alternatives that constitute stark exposes in comparison with what may be read in the military Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena report.

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