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    Home / College Guide / Petition · Free Stellar Blade - United States · Change.org
     Posted on Saturday, April 27 @ 00:00:05 PDT

    Free Stellar Blade Free Stellar Blade Started April 26, 2024 Signatures: 7,313Next Goal: 7,500 7,313 7,500 Signatures Next Goal 3,746 people signed today Top supporter voices Sign and share why you care! Why this petition matters Started by Mark Kern Stellar Blade is a phenomenal new game that just launched on Playstation 5 worldwide. But it has a problem. The content has been censored from the original trailer version posted by Sony. We, as gamers, want this content back. We relied on it, we made the game the #1 pre-order worldwide because of it, and this is the true game we want. Stellar Blade is more than a game, it has become a cultural beacon for freedom of expression in a time where Game Publishers like Sony are censoring games more than ever. Stellar Blade was a breath of fresh air and gamer rallied behind it because it meant things were changing, getting better, and the voice of creative freedom was ringing loud and clear. But for reasons unknown, the game was censored, changes were made. What we received after our good faith purchase was not the same as advertised. We believe in the game, we believe in Shift Up, and we are asking to get the game we believed in. Revert the censorship changes, patch the game, and you will find that even more gamers will join you and support you! All gamers can help by signing this petition.

    It will be printed in Korea and delivered in Korea to Shift Up offices, and physically printed and delivered to Sony Playstation North America offices. Spread this petition on Social Media with the #FreeStellarBlade hashtag. Stellar Blade? Playstation 5? ? ????? ??? ???? ?? ?????. ??? ???? ??? ????. Sony? ??? ???? ?? ???? ???? ???????. ?????? ??? ? ???? ?? ????. ??? ??? ????, ? ??? ? ?? ?? ?? 1? ??? ??????. ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?????. Stellar Blade? ??? ?? ? ?????. Sony? ?? ?? ????? ? ?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?????. Stellar Blade? ??? ??? ?????, ?? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? ??? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??? ????? ? ?? ?????. ??? ? ? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???????. ??? ??? ? ??? ?? ??? ??? ?? ????. ??? ??? ??, Shift Up? ???, ??? ??? ??? ??? ?????. ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???? ? ?? ????? ???? ???? ? ????! ?? ????? ? ???? ???? ??? ? ? ????. ???? ???? ??? Shift Up ???? ??? ????, ?? ???? ?? Sony Playstation ???? ??? ?????. ? ??? ?? ???? ????? Stellar Blade ??Playstation 5 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????? 1 ??????????????????????????????? ??? ?????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? Stellar Blade ??????????????? Playstation 5 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?Stellar Blade????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????? Shift Up???????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? Shift Up ??????????????????? Playstation ???????????????? 3,746 people signed today Signatures: 7,313Next Goal: 7,500 7,313 7,500 Signatures Next Goal 3,746 people signed today Sign this petition Are you an Elected Official, Administrator, or a Company named on this petition? Reach out to learn about available actions.

    Support Change - Become a Member Today Not beholden to politics or power brokers, Change.org is free for people everywhere to make change. Every day there are real victories for issues you care about, only possible because we are 100% funded by everyday people like you.Will you stand with us to protect the power of everyday people to make a difference? Pay with credit card or Updates - This isnt just about pieces of cloth.I have a full 8 step plan on how to get Stellar Blade back to its original advertised form. but Twitter has my account search blocked. Youll need to use the link to see the plan and follow me today/ https://x.com/Grummz/status/1783884357759033827Mark Kern7 hours ago Petitions promoted by other Change.org users We, residents of Cartersville, GA, are deeply concerned about the proposed rezoning of 174 Cowan Drive to commercial for a gas station and possible liquor store. This issue is personal to us as we live in this area and value the communitys residential character. The road is hard enough to get into and out of with the amount of traffic on 411 as it is. The change would not only disrupt our peaceful living but will also lead to increased traffic and noise pollution.

    There is also roughly six gas stations/convenience stores within a four miles of this proposed area.According to the U.S Census Bureau data from 2019, Cartersville has a population of approximately 21,000 people with over 80% residing in homes they own. This statistic highlights the importance our community places on maintaining its residential nature.We understand that commercial development can bring economic benefits. However, it should not be at the expense of residents quality of life or compromise the character of our neighborhood.We urge our county officials and zoning board members to consider these concerns seriously before making any decisions regarding rezoning proposals. Please help us preserve our community by signing this petition against rezoning a residential property into commercial use in Cartersville, GA.Prevent Rezoning of Residential Property to Commercial in Cartersville, GA Read moreJames Caviness320320 Supporters Sign the petition Community oversight uncovered that the blaring town horn in Neptune City, NJ is unnecessary noise pollution. Our brave first responders primarily use updated, quiet technology to assemble response teams. Based on reports from town and county records, the horn is often observed at times when there are no emergency calls on record.

    Records also show that the overwhelming majority of daytime calls for emergency response in town relate to no observed horn use. Meanwhile our communities are inundated with hundreds of incidents of loud noise from a blaring town horn, often ringing repeatedly in the close vicinity of homes, workplaces, libraries, and play areas, further demonstrating the ineffectiveness of the siren to quickly and consistently communicate with respected first responders. This erratic and unreliable system must be repaired immediately. Our lives and well being depend on making our emergency response systems effective without harming our communities. Our communities require our beloved first responders to have effective communication in order to meet the growing needs for emergency response in our town and in mutual aid efforts in the area. We are united in our call to replace this noisy, outdated, and unnecessary noise pollution from our environment and transform the current response system into one that meets community need and offers people peace. Noise is bad for our health and well-being. Study on the negative health effects of noise is well documented. “Noise is a stressor on the human body.

    It causes the “fight or flight” syndrome, releasing cortisol and other harmful chemicals into the blood stream. Over time, these chemicals build up in the body, leading to a host of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, aggression, chronic fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, mental illness, and anxiety.” Lois Goines and Louis Hagler, “Noise Pollution: A Modern Plague,” Southern Journal of Medicine, March 2007, pp.287-294. “Excessive noise is very harmful to children. Noise pollution creates developmental delays in fetuses and cognitive delays in toddlers. Noise can cause or worsen learning disabilities and hearing loss in children.” Maria Klatte, Kirsten Bergstrom, and Thomas Lachmann, “Does Noise Affect Learning? A Short Review on Noise Effects on Cognitive Performance in Children,” Frontiers in Psychology, August 30, 2013. Does noise affect learning? A short review on noise effects on cognitive performance in children (nih.gov) We, the undersigned, respectfully and peacefully demand that Neptune City stop using the horn immediately in response to this community call and remake working systems for the benefit of all. Our lives and the success of our first responders all depend on repairing this broken system into one that supports everyone.

    In Peace and Unity,Replace the Neptune City Town Horn with a System that Works for Everyone! https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/replace-the-neptune-city-town-horn-with-a-system-that-works-for-everyone?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=2&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAG3mNB0AAAAAZixN6w6hjCI3OWQyNWEwNQ%3D%3DPeace in Neptune City8585 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/replace-the-neptune-city-town-horn-with-a-system-that-works-for-everyone?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=2&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAG3mNB0AAAAAZixN6w6hjCI3OWQyNWEwNQ%3D%3D As a concerned parent of two young children who love to walk and ride their bikes in our neighborhood, I am deeply troubled by the speeding and reckless driving that occurs on East Lake Forest Drive and East Grand Forest Drive.We are petitioning the Ada County Highway District to implement traffic calming methods such as Traffic Tables, Speed Bumps, Speed Humps, or Speed Cushions on these roads. These measures have been proven effective in reducing vehicle speeds; according to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), they can reduce traffic speeds by an average of 7-9 mph.

    Our plea is motivated not only by our personal fears but also by our collective responsibility towards all residents safety, particularly our children. We believe that everyone has the right to feel safe in their own neighborhood.We urge you to take immediate action. Please sign this petition today and help us make East Lake Forest Drive and East Grand Forest Drive safer for everyone.Implement Speed Control Measures on East Lake Forest Dr. and East Grand Forest Dr. https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/implement-speed-control-measures-on-east-lake-forest-dr-and-east-grand-forest-dr?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=3&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAIIaNR0AAAAAZixN6zXEYWU0MjhlZGJmZQ%3D%3DPaul Hefner4141 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/implement-speed-control-measures-on-east-lake-forest-dr-and-east-grand-forest-dr?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=3&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAIIaNR0AAAAAZixN6zXEYWU0MjhlZGJmZQ%3D%3D Military sexual trauma is an issue that has haunted countless veterans for far too long. We have an opportunity to make a difference and provide support to those who have suffered.

    H.R. 6023, the Veteran Restitution and Justice Act of 2023, is a beacon of hope for veterans with covered mental health conditions based on military sexual trauma. Military sexual trauma is a harrowing experience that leaves deep scars on survivors. Rape is unacceptable and its time we address this issue and provide the help and support our veterans deserve. H.R. 6023, introduced by Congressman Carbajal, seeks to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide retroactive payment of benefits for veterans with covered mental health conditions based on military sexual trauma. This bill has bipartisan support and stands as a symbol of justice for these Veterans who are also crime victims. By supporting this bill, we can provide veterans with the justice theyve long been denied. It offers retroactive benefits that can make a significant difference in the lives of survivors. Lets honor the service of these brave individuals and address the mental and physical health conditions resulting from their traumatic experiences. Passing this bill will do more than just right past wrongs; it will reassure the families of prospective military recruits. It sends a powerful message that there is no longer tolerance for such behavior in the military.

    It says, If, God forbid, it happens to you, you will be taken care of, made whole, and there will be consequences for this type of behavior. This assurance is vital for the trust and confidence of those who consider military service. We urge Congress to pass the Veteran Restitution and Justice Act of 2023 and take a significant step toward justice and support for military sexual trauma survivors. Sign this petition to show your support and help us make a change. This bill is about righting past wrongs and ensuring justice for survivors who have suffered in silence for too long. Its crucial to address the mental health conditions resulting from military sexual trauma, offering veterans the help they need. This bill honors the service of veterans by acknowledging their pain and suffering. They signed up to fight for freedom, but they did not sign up to become crime victims. That’s what happened and that’s why this matters. Together, we can make a difference. Lets stand up for our veterans and show that we support their rights, their health, and their justice. Sign this petition and be part of the change, but don’t let this signing be the end of your advocacy on this. Make calls, write letters and push this because nothing changes without work from those who want the change.

    Edit: I want to further explain what this bill is about. I want to give an example, let’s say you have a 17 year old daughter who goes to school and is raped by a teacher or Principal, after that happens she may never go back to school because of her fear of what someone is going to do with their authority over her, maybe this will happen again, and of course the school backs the teacher as long as they can because that’s just the way the system usually works. I want to make it clear I’m not trying to put down schools or teachers but I’m trying to clarify what this bill is about. Ok, so what is going to happen with this 17 year old girl? She might not finish school, she might need counseling, there will be lifelong consequences, so what would you do as the parent if this was your child? Would you ask the school to not let it happen again? You would probably sue them to death! Wouldn’t you? So they would make damn sure it NEVER happened again! Ok, so let’s say your 18 year old daughter goes in the military and is raped by her squad leader, what does your daughter do? She probably does nothing out of fear because even a squad leader in the military has way more control over your life than any teacher.

    Most sexual assaults in the military aren’t even reported because of this and if they are it is usually long after they have left the military because of how traumatic it is. It is very difficult to prove a sexual assault case like that and the VA likes to run out the clock against you because the older you get, the less they pay you. Another thing, you can’t sue this “school”, you can’t sue the Government because of something called the Fere’s Doctrine and only one person has ever successfully done it. So the only way we can make it hurt a little bit for the Government so they will put a stop to it (dollars is all they understand). If it is a typical case there might be some kind of back pay, maybe even enough to help straighten this persons life back out, that’s why you should sign this petition and share it, but more importantly, contact your Congressional representatives and ask them how they stand on it, this bill isn’t going to happen without a grassroots effort. Please think about this issue and please help put an end to it, imagine a school where 8% of the girls and 1.5% of the boys were raped and the school wasn’t held accountable, figure out how many would be assaulted in your local school if they had those rates of assault, it’s gotta stop, thank you for your continued efforts by signing this Petition and advocating for HR 6023, thank you.

    Support HR 6023, Veteran Restitution and Justice Act for Military Sexual Trauma Survivors https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/support-hr-6023-veteran-restitution-and-justice-act-for-military-sexual-trauma-survivors?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=4&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAHZ6PwIAAAAAZixN65SfoJo3MGRiODk2MQ%3D%3DJames Humphrey5,7165,716 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/support-hr-6023-veteran-restitution-and-justice-act-for-military-sexual-trauma-survivors?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=4&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAHZ6PwIAAAAAZixN65SfoJo3MGRiODk2MQ%3D%3D [The Board of Trustees at Northwestern Michigan College (NMC) in Traverse City has voted unanimously to annex Benzie County (BC) and will move forward to putting this resolution on the ballot for November 5, 2024. Annexation, in part, would provide BC residents who attend NMC with reduced in-district tuition. Although this is a worthy goal, the annexation plan calls for a 2.057 millage increase to Benzie property and business owners in perpetuity (i.e., FOREVER) resulting in NMC receiving approximately 3.

    5 million per year in tax revenue from our county FOR a small number of students who only attend NMC; residents attending other colleges will not receive any of this money. This is a non-partisan issue centered on who we, as Benzie County residents, want to control our taxes and where our money gets spent. This significant amount of money kept in our county and not given to NMC would go a long way to addressing other problems such as affordable housing, childcare, and poverty to name a few--and still provide support for education. Background: Maggie Bacon, Coordinator of BEST Benzie County along with Jack Harnish of Advocates for Benzie County—two nonprofit organizations that want to improve post-secondary access and affordability in our area—contacted NMC and asked them to consider annexation for Benzie County; NMC held listening sessions in late 2023 and early 2024 to get feedback from residents. Maggie Bacon is a former NMC employee and a resident of Leelanau County who spoke in favor of the annexation at the April 22, 2024 NMC Board Meeting. Jack Harnish wrote an op-ed piece in the Record Patriot on January 10, 2024, about this annexation as one way to achieve access and affordability.

    [i] NMC has stated publicly that it is interested in “enhancing” their revenue.[ii] At the NMC Board of Trustees meeting on March 18, 2024, Troy Kierczynski, VP of Finance & Administration at NMC, made it very clear why the revenue is needed: “The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) projects a 15% decline in Michigan HS [high school] graduates from 2019 to 2037, with a 13-year downward trend from 2024 to 2027.”[iii] NMC projects an 8% decrease in enrollments in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 and yearly decreases of 1-2% in subsequent years through 2029 leading to decreases in revenue. They are projecting a $415,126 loss for the FY 2025 budget when expenses will be more than revenue.[iv] According to a Record-Eagle report on March 20, 2024, NMC’s fall enrollment “peaked in 2010 at 5,440 students and has declined every year since.”[v] NMC’s enrollment in the fall of 2023 was 3,146.[vi] Last year, ONLY 30 high school graduates from Benzie County enrolled at NMC and a majority of them attend part-time. Projections over the next five years indicate that these enrollments will continue to decline as graduates make the choice to not attend college or to enroll in trade apprenticeship programs instead.

    NMC, in the listening sessions, stated there are approximately 6,500 BC residents who meet the criteria (at least 21 years old without any postsecondary degree or certificate) to receive funding for free tuition through the Michigan Reconnect program. Although NMC uses this number regularly in its talking points, there has been no data collected to determine how many of these eligible residents are interested in enrolling in post-secondary education programs. NMC has indicated that, in addition to providing in-district tuition through annexation, the College would explore ways for NMC to use 2 million of the 3.5 million to have “a presence” in Benzie County. No specific details about this presence have been determined or made in writing and there is no requirement for NMC to spend that money in our county if annexation is passed. It seems unlikely that NMC would establish a campus in Benzie County with buildings, staff, faculty and other instructional support for 25-30 high school graduates a year and an unknown number of adults when they are having difficulty maintaining enrollment numbers at Traverse City. Benzie residents could find that they are sending 3.5 million to NMC that could yield very little in return for that investment other than to offset tuition for a small number of students.

    BC residents will have little to no say in how that money is spent because it is the NMC Board of Trustees that decides—and there are no BC residents on the Board. Even though there has been mounting opposition to annexation, it is the NMC Board that voted unanimously on April 22, 2024 to put this issue on the ballot and it will be this Board who determines how much of the 3.5 million will be spent in Benzie County. Who is impacted with the increased millage? Every Benzie County property/homeowner and business owner who pays property taxes. The information NMC presented at the listening sessions about how much taxes would increase for property owners is misleading. Taxes are based on taxable value and 1 mill equals $1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value. For example, if you have property that has a taxable value of $300,000, you will pay an extra $600 a year in taxes. BC property owners should look at their taxable value figure on the latest tax bill and do the math (Taxable Value divided by 1,000 x 2.057 mil). In addition, the 2.057 mil increase also will be assessed on area businesses including small companies; the economic engine of our area is small business and this increased millage could have a significant negative impact on them.

    The 2.057 millage would be in the top four highest millages paid per property owner in BC behind ONLY county tax (3.37 millage), state education tax (6.0 millage), school operating (18 millage) and NW Education services (2.88 millage). In other words, Benzie property/business owners pay less millage for actual services all residents benefit from directly in the county, such as road improvement, veterans benefits, school debt, animal control, public transportation, fire, library, and recycling. What is at stake? The bottom line: there is no guarantee what percentage of 3.5 million we send to NMC will be spent on Benzie County residents. And if we find that down the road, the money is not supporting our needs, we will have no recourse because the money that NMC will receive from this millage (which will increase over the years) is permanent and irrevocable—we will not be able to vote to rescind it if things do not work out. An alternative to giving NMC this tax money would be for us to establish an educational foundation in Benzie County funded by donations that could provide money to subsidize Benzie residents enrolled in postsecondary education REGARDLESS of where they go. There also are currently a significant number of scholarships available to Benzie County high school students who want to pursue postsecondary education that are not based on financial need[vii]; this foundation could work to connect our students with those funds.

    We also could ask taxpayers, with their approval, to fund a small TEMPORARY millage increase to put money into the fund and the interest earned would be used to subsidize Benzie residents. ALL of the money raised in this manner will stay in Benzie County and how that money is spent would be controlled and determined by Benzie County residents. Why is now the time to act? A It is important for Benzie County taxpayers to show NMC that annexation is not acceptable and that instead they should work with residents to establish other methods for supporting those who want to enroll in post-secondary education programs. NMC establishes the out-of-district rate for students and could lower it (as it recently did for Benzie high school students participating in dual-enrollment programs at NMC) in order to encourage people to enroll at NMC. Please consider signing this petition so that we can show NMC that there is not support for them to increase our taxes and send 3.5 million in revenue into their budget FOREVER. Thank you for your time and support, Mary Hutchinson, Concerned Benzie County Resident and Taxpayer REFERENCES [i] “To spread the benefits of higher education,” Record Patriot, January 10, 2024.

    https://eedition.recordpatriot.com/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&edid=d30211c0-4bde-43e1-b2b6-c4155689c776&pnum=7[ii] WPBN Traverse City/Cadillac, April 2, 2024, https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/careers/northwestern-michigan-college-maintains-talks-on-benzie-county-campus-growth/ar-BB1l0Acf[iii] Board of Trustees Meeting Packet, March 18, 2024, p. 15, https://www.nmc.edu/about/board-of-trustees/agendas/2024/03.18.24-Board-Packet.pdf[iv] Board of Trustees Meeting Packet, March 18, 2024, p. 14, https://www.nmc.edu/about/board-of-trustees/agendas/2024/03.18.24-Board-Packet.pdf[v] “Enrollment continues to dip at NMC,” Record-Eagle, March 20, 2024. https://www.record-eagle.com/news/local_news/enrollment-continues-to-dip-at-nmc/article_7e680fc2-3246-5977-8c31-65ef56fea324.html[vi] Northwest Michigan College, “Facts & Statistics,” retrieved April 18, 2024. https://www.nmc.edu/about/facts/index.html[vii] Community Foundation Scholarship Guide: Regional Scholarships, https://www.gtrcf.org/userfiles/filemanager/1390/]https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/stop-northwestern-michigan-college-nmc-annexation-of-benzie-county?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=5&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAN0RNR0AAAAAZixN6y%2B50MNiNmFkZGM2NA%3D%3DStop Northwestern Michigan College (NMC) Annexation of Benzie County https://archive.

    vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/stop-northwestern-michigan-college-nmc-annexation-of-benzie-county?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=5&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAN0RNR0AAAAAZixN6y%2B50MNiNmFkZGM2NA%3D%3DMary Hutchinson218218 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/stop-northwestern-michigan-college-nmc-annexation-of-benzie-county?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=5&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAN0RNR0AAAAAZixN6y%2B50MNiNmFkZGM2NA%3D%3D Landon Jacobs has been the backbone for Branham Athletics for 14 years. His dedication and commitment to our student athletes, the betterment of the program, and Branham Athletics in general is unparalleled. He has given 1000% of his time and efforts over the years to a very demanding position.Jacobs unwavering support extends beyond just being present at games. He attends all Central Coast Section (CCS) games, even traveling extensively to ensure hes there for our teams. His advocacy has played a crucial role in shaping our athletic program into what it is today.The impact Jacobs has had on our community cannot be overstated.

    His leadership not only benefits our students but also contributes significantly to the spirit and reputation of Branham High School within Campbell Unified School District.We believe that removing Jacobs from his position would be detrimental not only to our athletic programs but also to the overall morale and spirit of Branham High School community.We urge Campbell Unified School District and Branham High School authorities to reconsider their decision and continue with Landon Jacob’s as Athletic Director. Sign this petition if you stand with us in supporting Landon Jacobs continued service as Athletic Director at Branham High school.Retain Landon Jacobs as Athletic Director of Branham High School https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/retain-landon-jacobs-as-athletic-director-of-branham-high-school?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=6&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAJMbQwIAAAAAZixN6%2BFEGqkxZTQ5YjI5Ng%3D%3DHeather Dublin1,5371,537 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/retain-landon-jacobs-as-athletic-director-of-branham-high-school?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=6&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAJMbQwIAAAAAZixN6%2BFEGqkxZTQ5YjI5Ng%3D%3D Las Vegas is a city in which spectacle and celebration are woven into the very fabric of our community.

    And while we understand the importance of sportsmanship, we also appreciate the value of entertainment and fun. This is why we are proposing that everyone in Las Vegas must be allowed to celebrate freely on February 11, 2024. The freedom to celebrate is undeniable, and we believe this extends to those participating in events hosted in Las Vegas. Whether you’re on the Strip, in the stadiums or just here for a good time, Las Vegas will forever be the home of Excessive Celebration. Please join us in encouraging Excessive Celebration at Super Bowl LVIII in Las Vegas.Vegas Encourages Excessive Celebration at Super Bowl LVIII https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/vegas-encourages-excessive-celebration-at-super-bowl-lviii?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=7&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAMnEPwIAAAAAZixN65G9WXczMjdlMTlkZA%3D%3DSteve Hill8,6988,698 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/vegas-encourages-excessive-celebration-at-super-bowl-lviii?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=7&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAMnEPwIAAAAAZixN65G9WXczMjdlMTlkZA%3D%3D Alexei Navalny, a prominent Russian opposition leader, was an unwavering advocate for democracy and transparency in Russia.

    Despite repeated imprisonments and an assassination attempt, he continued his fight against corruption. Renaming the block of the Russian Consulate on 91st Street between Madison and Fifth Avenue to “Alexei Navalny Way” would serve as a powerful symbol of solidarity with Mr. Navalnys cause and a reminder of his bravery.New York City has a history of using street names to honor individuals who have made significant contributions to society or stood up for human rights. This includes Raoul Wallenberg Walk, named after the Swedish diplomat who saved thousands of Jews during World War II; and Nelson Mandela Corner, named after the South African anti-apartheid revolutionary.By renaming this block, we not only honor Mr. Navalnys bravery but also remind those at the Russian Consulate – and indeed anyone passing by – about the importance of democratic values and human rights.We urge New York City officials to consider this proposal seriously as it represents more than just a name change; it is a statement that New York stands with those fighting for freedom around the world.Please sign this petition if you believe in standing up for democracy and human rights worldwide.Rename E. 91st St in NYC “Alexei Navalny Way https://archive.

    vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/rename-e-91st-st-in-nyc-alexei-navalny-way?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=8&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAFYxQgIAAAAAZixN6/wFRgE3N2NjMWI0OA%3D%3DDavid Benderson7,8497,849 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/rename-e-91st-st-in-nyc-alexei-navalny-way?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=8&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAFYxQgIAAAAAZixN6/wFRgE3N2NjMWI0OA%3D%3D I am a long-time resident of Garfield, New Jersey, and the property in question is literally in my backyard. The thought of an apartment complex taking over our cherished suburban neighborhood off Ray Street brings pain to my heart. Our town has moved to sell this property, an abandoned railroad plot, with enough room for an apartment complex. But we have a different vision.Imagine instead a walking trail, a dog park, and a childrens park - spaces that would enhance our community rather than overcrowd it. I am currently drafting plans for this alternative use and engaging with the NorthEast Earth Coalition to ensure we can maintain our citys environmental integrity.

    The potential consequences of constructing an apartment complex are severe. It would increase traffic and noise levels significantly in our quiet neighborhood streets like Garwood North and South and Center Court. This could lead many current residents to move out, paving the way for further commercial expansion at the expense of our environment.We must remember that urban green spaces are not just aesthetic but also contribute significantly towards improving air quality and reducing heat stress among other environmental benefits (EPA). Let us protect what makes Garfield unique – its community spirit and natural beauty.I urge you all to sign this petition against selling off the abandoned railroad plot of land for construction purposes. Let us stand together against overdevelopment and work towards preserving our beloved neighborhood while keeping Garfield clean.Halt the Sale of Abandoned Railroad Land for Apartment Complex Construction https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/halt-the-sale-of-abandoned-railroad-land-for-apartment-complex-construction?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=9&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAJAzNR0AAAAAZixN66mgUONkOGI3ODk1ZQ%3D%3DJon Serrano2727 Supporters https://archive.

    vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/halt-the-sale-of-abandoned-railroad-land-for-apartment-complex-construction?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=9&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAJAzNR0AAAAAZixN66mgUONkOGI3ODk1ZQ%3D%3D As a resident of Massachusetts, I have witnessed firsthand the strain on our housing resources. Our state is already grappling with limited access to housing for its residents. The addition of migrants who are granted the right to shelter has further exacerbated this issue.The cost of providing housing, education, food and medical care for these individuals is substantial. Its not just about the financial burden; its about the impact on our community resources as well. According to a report by Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), in 2017 alone, taxpayers in Massachusetts spent nearly $2 billion on costs associated with illegal immigration.This petition does not seek to demonize migrants or deny their need for assistance but rather highlights an urgent need for policy reform that takes into account both humanitarian concerns and resource limitations within our state.We urge lawmakers in Massachusetts to reconsider policies around right-to-shelter laws that currently extend to migrants.

    We must prioritize sustainable solutions that balance compassion with practicality and fiscal responsibility.Please sign this petition if you believe its time we reassess how we allocate our resources and manage migrant assistance programs in Massachusetts.Terminate Right to Shelter for Migrants in Massachusetts https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/terminate-right-to-shelter-for-migrants-in-massachusetts?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=10&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAAk2PwIAAAAAZixN6%2BNlq4lhMzIzMTUzYw%3D%3DA C2626 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/terminate-right-to-shelter-for-migrants-in-massachusetts?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=10&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAAk2PwIAAAAAZixN6%2BNlq4lhMzIzMTUzYw%3D%3D There are many reasons why I think Bellevue School District should unblock the Chat and Calls feature in Teams. 1. For students who may not be able to meet in person due to various reasons such as distance, health concerns, or scheduling conflicts, Teams chat and calls provide an accessible alternative. (Example: Your friend goes to a different school from you, and you cant talk to them in person, but you can video call and chat with your friend with Teams!).

    2. Microsoft Teams chat and calls are essential tools for student collaboration. They allow students to work together on projects, study for tests, and discuss class material outside of school hours. 3. These features also facilitate better communication between teachers and students. Students can ask questions or seek clarifications outside of class time, ensuring they get better grades in school! 4. In the current era, where digital interaction is increasingly important. Teams chat and calls provide a platform for students to socialize and build relationships with their peers from other schools. 5. If you need to help someone, screenshares are helpful in Teams and you can only do that with calls. they are particularly important when there’s a need to take control and assist someone. I wrote this mainly because I dont have a phone number and most of my friends are in different schools. I am not always allowed to use my personal computer and am normally on my school computer where I use teams to communicate with my friends. Recently, BSD removed calls and meeting calls from Teams, and I can no longer talk / online video call with my friends, which is quite a big deal for me. Thanks for reading my petition! (Please suggest ideas I can add to this list since I want to add a LOT of reasons why Teams Calls and Chats should be back) WE ALL WANT OUR CHATS, CALLS, EVERYTHING BACK THIS IS OUT RIGHTSAdvocate for BSD to allow unrestricted access to Microsoft Teams Chats and Calls.

    https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/advocate-for-bsd-to-allow-unrestricted-access-to-microsoft-teams-chats-and-calls?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=11&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAAM%2BNR0AAAAAZixN64i6enZjNTNmODJmZA%3D%3DEthan Thomas7979 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/advocate-for-bsd-to-allow-unrestricted-access-to-microsoft-teams-chats-and-calls?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=11&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAAM%2BNR0AAAAAZixN64i6enZjNTNmODJmZA%3D%3D This petition is deeply personal to me. My dog, Brunson, was horrifically abused and tortured by his previous owner, right here in our local community of Dayton, OH. The scars of this trauma are not just physical but emotional as well.Dog fighting is not just a local problem; its a national crisis. According to the Humane Society of the United States, tens of thousands of people are involved in professional dogfighting rings across the country. This brutal form of animal cruelty is often associated with other forms of criminal activity including illegal gambling and drug trafficking.

    Despite these alarming statistics, penalties for dog fighting remain woefully inadequate. In Ohio alone, while animal cruelty can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony depending on the circumstances (Ohio Revised Code 959), we believe that stricter laws and harsher punishments are needed to deter such heinous acts.We must send a clear message that animal abuse will not be tolerated in our society. We call on lawmakers to increase penalties for those convicted of dog fighting or animal cruelty offenses - making them felonies punishable by significant fines and imprisonment.By signing this petition you stand with us against animal cruelty and send a clear message to our law makers that Brunson, and other animals like him, matter.Strengthen Laws and Penalties for Dog Fighting and Animal Cruelty https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/strengthen-laws-and-penalties-for-dog-fighting-and-animal-cruelty?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=12&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAN/tQAIAAAAAZixN6%2BmJGfw4OGY1NzQzZQ%3D%3DKristen Tilton35,25735,257 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/strengthen-laws-and-penalties-for-dog-fighting-and-animal-cruelty?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=12&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAN/tQAIAAAAAZixN6%2BmJGfw4OGY1NzQzZQ%3D%3D Sign this petition to show your support to have a permanent skatepark in Tahoe City! For more information, please read on.

    ••• At the April 24th TTUSD Board of Education meeting, the Scotty Lapp Foundation will present a proposal to the school board on building the Scotty Lapp Memorial Skatepark on a parcel of land owned by TTUSD - the parcel that is currently a dog park on Grove Street. The meeting is Wednesday, April 24th, beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the District Office in Truckee (11603 Donner Pass Road). Were encouraging community members interested in learning more to attend or watch the streaming broadcast. To make an in-person public comment, please arrive at the TTUSD district office and fill out a public comment card in the lobby before the meeting begins. Community members can submit public comments via email to boardroom@ttusd.org prior to the meeting. The comments will be shared with the board members before the meeting. ••• Scotty Lapp was kind, thoughtful, loving and energetic. Skiing became his greatest passion, and during the off-season, he loved nothing more than to grab his skateboard and head out with his friends. After school in Tahoe City, kids of all ages would gather to skate but did not (and still do not) have an appropriate, identified place to go and skate. Scotty did not like breaking the rules but wanted to practice his sport.

    He intended to start a petition to build a park. Tragically, he passed away in a ski accident in February 2022 before he had a chance to help make his dream of a local Tahoe City skatepark happen. Hours after his death, his family decided to continue with Scottys plans and work on trying to build a skatepark for the communitys benefit. In Scotty’s honor, the Scotty Lapp Foundation was established as a 501(c)(3) non- profit corporation to bring Scotty’s dream to fruition: creating a Tahoe City skatepark to empower youth by making ski, snowboard and skate more accessible to underserved communities and assisting athletes in reaching their full potential. As a result of the incredible generosity of individuals, community foundations and corporate partners from around the world along with the unwavering commitment of the SLF Board, the Tahoe Skatepark Committee, and numerous others too many to name, the Foundation has accomplished much over these past 24+ months. Among other things, we have: raised over $600,000 in cash and pledge donations secured pro bono representation from numerous consultants with technical, design and legal expertise secured County approval of, built and successfully operated and maintained a 4,000-sf temporary “pop-up” skatepark (relying entirely on donated land, labor and materials) created the Scotty Lapp Memorial Freeride Scholarship and “paid it forward” by contributing $20,000 in ski scholarships to Palisades Tahoe Community Foundation and the Tahoe Junior Freeride Series The Foundation seeks to explore opportunities to partner with the Truckee-Tahoe Unified School District (TTUSD), as well as the Tahoe City Public Utility District (TCPUD) to transform the existing, approximately 12,140-sf underutilized dog park (located on TTUSD land adjacent to existing ball fields and Tahoe Lake Elementary School) into a regional skatepark serving Tahoe City and neighboring communities.

    Under this proposal, the Foundation would take the lead and be financially responsible for planning, environmental review, design, permitting, fundraising, and construction of the public skatepark improvements on TTUSD’s property. TCPUD would assume ownership of the constructed skatepark improvements and its ongoing operations and maintenance in accordance with the Letter of Intent recently unanimously approved by the TCPUD Board of Directors. Each party’s rights and obligations would be further defined in a future joint use agreement (or similar acceptable form of agreement) that would be cooperatively developed by the TTUSD, TCPUD and the Foundation, for approval by the TTUSD Board of Directors. Proposed Location is Optimal | This is a stellar location for the proposed facility because, among other reasons, it is flat, centrally located, and of sufficient size located where infrastructure presently exists on-site to accommodate active recreation and public use (e.g., baseball field operates lighting from dusk until 9 pm, public restrooms located onsite, public parking exists along Grove Street, behind commercial row, and at the adjacent elementary school after hours) readily accessible by foot, skateboard, bus, and car highly visible to enhance safety and security close to local schools (e.

    g., Tahoe Lake Elementary, North Tahoe School, NTHS) readily accessible for people from multiple communities (west shore, north shore and beyond) located near complementary commercial-retail uses (e.g., restaurants, Tahoe Dave’s) and other outdoor recreation amenities (e.g., lake, golf course) within the purview of TCPUD service area, thereby providing opportunities for ongoing operation and maintenance appears consistent with TTUSD facilities planning objectives such that the skatepark could be incorporated into planning efforts and be compatible with and not impede TTUSD’s ability to realize other long-term facilities objectives This Skatepark Would Deliver Numerous Benefits to the Community | This regional-serving public recreational use would: honor the wishes of a fallen student who was beloved by fellow students, staff and community provide access to much-needed additional recreational space to serve our local youth, fostering a sense of belonging facilitate an engaging, creative physical activity (which is also an Olympic sport) that is inclusive, affordable (particularly compared to snow sports and mountain biking), create a sense of community, and promote strong mental and physical health and well-being enhance educational programming with local elementary schools provide a training ground for all ages and abilities (beginner to expert level world class Olympians) serve as a destination attraction for visitors LEARN MORE:Help Us Bring the Scotty Lapp Memorial Skatepark to Tahoe City, California! https://archive.

    vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/help-us-bring-the-scotty-lapp-memorial-skatepark-to-tahoe-city-california?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=13&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAM7nNB0AAAAAZixN68unvmtlNGI1ODU3MA%3D%3DSkate 4 Scotty2,1922,192 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/help-us-bring-the-scotty-lapp-memorial-skatepark-to-tahoe-city-california?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=13&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAM7nNB0AAAAAZixN68unvmtlNGI1ODU3MA%3D%3D I am a resident of Morristown, TN, and I believe in the dignity of every individual and their right to secure housing. It has come to my attention that our local laws prevent people from living permanently in campers on their own land, even when they are hooked up with utilities. This is not just an abstract issue; it is a matter that affects real families who are left with no choice but homelessness.The county currently allows individuals to live in tents on their property but denies them the same right when it comes to campers. This seems counterintuitive as campers provide means for cooking and bathing – basic necessities for maintaining health and wellbeing.

    According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, over 500,000 people experience homelessness each night in America (2019). By allowing individuals the right to live permanently in utility-equipped campers on their own land, we can contribute towards reducing this number locally.Moreover, this law infringes upon property rights - one of the fundamental principles upon which our nation was built. The government should not have more say than homeowners about how they utilize their private property for habitation purposes.We urge lawmakers at all levels - local, state and federal - to reconsider these regulations. Lets prioritize human dignity over bureaucratic red tape by amending laws that restrict people from living permanently in utility-equipped campers on private land.Please sign this petition if you believe everyone deserves a safe place they can call home.Amend Laws to Allow Permanent Residence in Campers on Private Land https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/amend-laws-to-allow-permanent-residence-in-campers-on-private-land?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=14&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAN4dNR0AAAAAZixN6%2BXdDPYyNDIwODM2Yw%3D%3DWendy Ellis171171 Supporters https://archive.

    vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/amend-laws-to-allow-permanent-residence-in-campers-on-private-land?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=14&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAN4dNR0AAAAAZixN6%2BXdDPYyNDIwODM2Yw%3D%3D Burbank residents and businesses say NO to increased traffic, congestion and pollution! *Please do NOT donate to this platform, any donation made here goes to the website and not toward this effort. We prefer you connect with us for continued updates and spread this information to your local friends, family and neighbors. For any donation that you would like to make directly toward this effort please email info@visionburbank.com** The undersigned residents of Burbank and neighboring communities express our collective concern and objection to the implementation of “dedicated bus lanes” as part of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) plan proposed by Metro that effectively removes 2 lanes of traffic on Olive Ave. Dedicated bus lanes, whether they be side or curb running, will decrease available road space, exacerbating traffic congestion and limiting accessibility for local residents, schools, businesses and hospitals.

    We’re asking our elected officials to support “Mixed Flow” which prioritize both efficient transportation and the well-being of our community. While we understand the importance of efficient public transportation, we believe that “dedicated bus lanes” pose significant challenges and drawbacks without significant benefit impacting the following: Burbank Residents Burbank Businesses Burbank Schools Burbank Hospitals and Medical Clinics Burbank Studios and Employees All area commuters The notable challenges include the following: • Traffic Congestion: The introduction of dedicated bus lanes will lead to increased traffic congestion, adversely affecting the daily commute of residents, students, local businesses and studios, and simultaneously pushing traffic flow into our residential neighborhoods. • Impact on Local Businesses and Hospitals: The construction and operation of designated bus lanes will negatively impact local businesses and healthcare due to decreased accessibility. • Remove Parking: As proposed the BRT will remove countless parking stalls, heightening demand for an already scarce resource in Burbank. • Environmental Considerations: Despite claims of environmental benefits, there has not been a comprehensive environmental impact study conducted.

    The only data provided by Metro is that the BRT will result in a decrease of 40 cars on the street. Conversely, the elimination of one lane to through traffic will result in extreme congestion, adversely impacting our air quality and environment. We urge Burbank’s city-council to require joint use (“mixed-flow”) lanes as a condition of moving forward with the BRT as previously supported by Mayor Schultz, council member Anthony, as well as the entire city council in 2022. Sign this petition to join with Burbank Residents and our local Burbank Businesses to have your voice heard against this change in our community.Burbank Residents and Businesses say NO to Increased Traffic, Congestion and Pollution! https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/burbank-residents-and-businesses-say-no-to-increased-traffic-congestion-and-pollution?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=15&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAOUOQgIAAAAAZixN6/RqblhiYzg5MmYyZg%3D%3DConcerned Citizens of Burbank1,3061,306 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/burbank-residents-and-businesses-say-no-to-increased-traffic-congestion-and-pollution?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=15&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAOUOQgIAAAAAZixN6/RqblhiYzg5MmYyZg%3D%3D [Since 1975, the students at the Academy of Our Lady of Peace in San Diego have put on a musical competition between their four grades.

    This student led, written, and produced show consists of acting, dancing, and singing, and is a shining light in the student world of OLP. We as student leadership become passionately into it, spending hours on end writing scripts, choreographing dances, teaching songs, planning costumes, and building props. We recently received a heartbreaking email from our head of school. Without having consulted the entire student body, the email wrote that due to the show having evolved ... into a significantly larger, much more elaborate production, than initially intended, they would be introducing Spring Sing: The New Era, which consists of an evening that starts with a modified competition focused on singing and dancing and then transforms into a celebration ... [with] a shorter time frame and reduced scale of production. While this may not seem like such a big deal on the surface, when we further examine the email, we see that the intention of this change is to eliminate three out of the five student leadership departments: There will no longer be a script(/acting), costumes or props. This leaves a mere five minute show per each class, consisting of a chorus dressed in their class color and a select amount of students dancing.

    While the show has become a larger event than it was originally showcased, those of us who sign up for it find immense satisfaction in taking on a formidable task and seeing it to fruition. Considering consistency and perseverance are two of the leadership qualities upon which OLP prides itself, I believe that it is important that we are given the opportunity to take them on. Especially for the student leadership team, we pride ourselves on putting on a show, and the plan to remove multiple leadership and student involved departments deprives us of the ability to do so. Spring Sing is and always has been a favorite in the lives of students at OLP. The competition and stakes of Spring Sing are what make us grow closer to each other. Yes, people do get very emotional about this event. Yes, there is an eagerness to win. To quote an alumna from the class of 2022, I know people get emotional, we were too, but thats just part of it, and I think its a testament to how much we all care and love Spring Sing. We need to bring back Spring Sing, back to its glory.]https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/restore-spring-sing-at-the-academy-of-our-lady-of-peace?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=16&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uABMwQwIAAAAAZixN63grlz0xN2I1NTBiNg%3D%3DRESTORE SPRING SING at The Academy of Our Lady of Peace! https://archive.

    vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/restore-spring-sing-at-the-academy-of-our-lady-of-peace?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=16&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uABMwQwIAAAAAZixN63grlz0xN2I1NTBiNg%3D%3DAoife Goodman1,7431,743 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/restore-spring-sing-at-the-academy-of-our-lady-of-peace?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=16&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uABMwQwIAAAAAZixN63grlz0xN2I1NTBiNg%3D%3D Résoudre la crise haïtienne sans CARICOM. Depuis l’assassinat dans la nuit du 06 au 07 juillet 2021 de Jovenel Moïse, 58ème Président de la République d’Haïti, en sa résidence et l’installation de facto au pouvoir du premier ministre d’Ariel Henry par les ambassades occidentales, notre pays se trouve confronté à une crise multidimensionnelle. N’ayant pas parvenu à créer un climat politique et sécuritaire stable, pendant trois années durant, la population haïtienne et sa diaspora en début du mois de mars 2024, se sont massivement soulevées pour exiger sa démission illico alors qu’il était en voyage d’Etat pour ratifier sans aucune légitimité, un accord d’intervention d’un contingent militaire étranger sur notre sol, considéré inconstitutionnel et rejeté par de nombreux acteurs politiques et de la société civile.

    Dès lors, retenu à l’étranger et placé sous surveillance policière selon plusieurs médias. Il n’est plus revenu au pays, annonçant quelques jours plus tard, son gouvernement démissionnaire. Curieusement, la CARICOM s’ingère dans la politique intérieure de notre pays, qui pourtant, un Etat indépendant et souverain, s’octroyant le droit de nommer un Conseil présidentiel à sept têtes et deux membres observateurs. Nous dénonçons avec la plus grande énergie l’ingérence occidentale, instrumentalisant la CARICOM dans le seul et unique but dempêcher le triomphe de la volonté populaire et de la démocratie. Nous rejetons fermement toute démarche étrangère intéressée de placer des pantins à la tête du pays par des initiatives peu populaires, ne tenant point compte de notre droit à l’autodétermination. Nous invitons les pays membres de la CARICOM à cesser de violer notre souveraineté acquise et du même coup, à se mettre en retrait de toutes initiatives concernant la politique intérieure de notre pays et de nous laisser entre haïtien afin de trouver nous-mêmes des solutions à nos problèmes. En soulignant la résolution 1514 (XV) 1960, de l’Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies qui stipule, « Tous les peuples ont le droit de libre détermination ; en vertu de ce droit, ils déterminent librement leur statut politique et poursuivent librement leur développement économique, social et culturel ».

    Résoudre la crise haïtienne sans CARICOM https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/résoudre-la-crise-haïtienne-sans-caricom?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=17&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uACkfQwIAAAAAZixN6%2BFvhO5lMjFmZmMxOA%3D%3DDimitry Romulus130130 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/résoudre-la-crise-haïtienne-sans-caricom?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=17&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uACkfQwIAAAAAZixN6%2BFvhO5lMjFmZmMxOA%3D%3D The purpose of this petition is to request that TxDOT go back to the drawing board and propose a more sensible, humane, and environmentally sensitive expansion of the 290W corridor from Oak Hill at RM1826 to Rob Shelton Blvd. near the HEB at RR12. This project is different from the already approved and funded 6 lane expansion in downtown Dripping from RR12 to Roger Hanks Parkway. The 13 mile corridor project has not been funded yet and the planning is still in its infancy, which is why now is the time to act. What is TxDOT proposing This proposed project would widen approximately 13 miles of 290W from the current 4 lanes to 12 lanes and would swell up to a staggering 16 lanes at the intersections of Circle Drive, Fitzhugh, Nutty Brown, Belterra, Sawyer Ranch Rd, Trutwein and Headwaters.

    TxDOT’s engineers from AtkinsRealis have likened this proposed expansion to I-35 in Austin. An example intersection would include: 5 frontage lanes on one side of the freeway (1 right turn, 2 straight, 1 left turn, 1 u-turn) 8 lane divided freeway 3 frontage lanes on the other side of the freeway Five of these proposed intersections are designed as overpasses, where the 8 lane freeway climbs roughly 30 feet into the air with frontage roads on either side at ground level. These overpasses would be placed at the intersections of Circle Drive, Fitzhugh, Nutty Brown, Belterra, and Sawyer Ranch Road. To help visualize an 8 lane freeway overpass, see picture at the start of this petition. Why this petition matters A freeway of this magnitude will impact far more than the homes and businesses that sit along the 290W corridor from Oak Hill into Dripping. The environmental repercussions to the Hill Country would be immeasurable. The noise, air, and light pollution from a freeway of this magnitude would alter the quality of life for all of us living in and around the Dripping Springs area. Brad Wheelis, the Southwest Communications Director for TxDOT, told Fox 7 News that the intention of this 290 expansion would be to “put the local traffic on the frontage roads.

    ” What TxDOT’s plan ignores is that according to the Center for Transportation Research at the University of Texas at Austin, frontage roads tend to be extremely unfavorable for the communities that use them. The research study concluded that “access roads cut off neighborhoods, increase local travel time for residents and emergency response services, and increase traffic speed” - all of which contributes to the devaluing of what would otherwise be some of the most expensive real estate in the region. We are not arguing that the safety of our 290W corridor needs to be improved, but an I-35 freeway through the Hill Country is not the solution. Brad Wheelis has called this expansion, “a community driven project,” and said if this proposal is not something the community wants, “we will get more public feedback and go back to the engineering table.” Let us take them at their word Let us take TxDOT at their word and ask for an alternative. Sign this petition asking that TxDOT propose an alternative solution to the community that improves the safety of the 290W corridor, while still preserving the very reason we choose to make the Hill Country our home. The time is now! Sign and share this petition! Resources US 290 from Oak Hill to Dripping Springs Planning and Feasibility Study TxDOT Engineering Schematics (these are large files) Frontage Roads in Texas: A Comprehensive Assessment Brad Wheelis interview with Fox7 NewsDemand TxDOT Redesign their Proposed 16 Lane Expansion of 290W from Oak Hill into Dripping https://archive.

    vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/demand-txdot-redesign-their-proposed-16-lane-expansion-of-290w-from-oak-hill-into-dripping?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=18&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uALdSQwIAAAAAZixN6yviYwM5NzJkMjczMg%3D%3DDripping Residents1,2931,293 Supporters https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/demand-txdot-redesign-their-proposed-16-lane-expansion-of-290w-from-oak-hill-into-dripping?show_sign=true&original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=18&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uALdSQwIAAAAAZixN6yviYwM5NzJkMjczMg%3D%3D Victorious Petitions - Victory! The current selection of Marcia L. Fudge as the commencement speaker for the class of 2024 does not align with the values we uphold in Shaker Heights, OH. As a community, we believe in promoting safety and justice. Ms. Fudges support for an individual found guilty of domestic violence against our beloved Aisha Fraser contradicts these principles. We demand the 2024 Shaker Heights High School commencement speaker be immediately replaced with a speaker who better represents our values and is at the very least sensitive to the class of 2024s lived experiences.

    Let us ensure that our commencement ceremony is led by someone who truly embodies what Shaker Heights stands for including one of the Districts Core Values: accountability. Please sign this petition to express your support for this change.Replace Class 2024 Commencement Speaker Marcia L. Fudge with a More Suitable Representative https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/replace-class-2024-commencement-speaker-marcia-l-fudge-with-a-more-suitable-representative?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=1&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAKU6NR0AAAAAZixN61jbBd9lMGY1MzlhYw%3D%3DCatherine Monroe932932 Supporters - Victory! As a resident of Gloucester, MA, Ive seen firsthand how arts and special education programs enrich our community. These programs not only provide essential support for all children but also cultivate an environment that values diversity and inclusivity. However, the city is considering cutting 41 teaching positions and eliminating tier 2 support, arts, and music programs - a decision that would have far-reaching effects on our childrens education.According to the National Association for Music Education, students who participate in music programs score higher on their SATs than those who do not (source: NAfME).

    Furthermore, studies from the American Journal of Public Health show that participation in arts-related activities helps improve academic performance and social skills (source: AJPH). The potential elimination of these vital resources is alarming.Moreover, tier 2 support plays a crucial role in helping students with learning difficulties. Without this assistance, we risk leaving behind those who need additional help to succeed acadically.We urge Gloucester City officials to reconsider these drastic cuts and to re-evaluate the programs theyre cutting; not the Arts and Music. -->We also ask the City of Gloucester to speak to where our state funding has gone and why its not in our educational budget. Our childrens future depends on it. Please sign this petition to show your support for maintaining these essential teaching positions and key educational programs in our schools.Urge City of Gloucester Prevent Cuts in Teaching Positions and Elimination of Key Programs https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/urge-city-of-gloucester-prevent-cuts-in-teaching-positions-and-elimination-of-key-programs?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=2&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAJkSNR0AAAAAZixN6xqakaE0ZDgwOTJjYw%3D%3DJennifer Klopotoski1,0911,091 Supporters - Victory! As a member of the Cumberland Valley School District community, I am deeply saddened by the Cumberland Valley School Boards decision to cancel an assembly scheduled at Mountain View Middle School.

    The assembly was set to feature accomplished actor and author Maulik Pancholy who would present on empathy, anti-bullying, and the books he authored. This decision was made solely because he is openly gay with one board member stating, ...he is proud of his lifestyle, and I dont think that should be imposed on our students. Being LGBTQ+ isnt a dirty little secret to protect our students from. To have someone with Mauliks life experiences would have been inspirational for our students. It is important that we teach our children about diversity and acceptance from an early age. According to a study by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network), schools that promote LGBTQ+ inclusivity see better academic outcomes and lower rates of bullying.The cancellation of this assembly sends a harmful message to our students - that being different is something to be ashamed of or hidden away. We must challenge this narrative by reinstating the assembly with Maulik Pancholy.We call upon the Cumberland Valley School Board to reverse their decision and allow Mr. Pancholy’s presentation on empathy, anti-bullying, and his books at Mountain View Middle School. By doing so, we can show our students that everyone deserves respect regardless of their sexual orientation or identity.

    Please sign this petition if you believe in promoting acceptance rather than discrimination within our education system.Reinstate Empathy and Anti-Bullying Assembly at Mountain View Middle School https://archive.vn/o/6LFdM/https://www.change.org/p/reinstate-empathy-and-anti-bullying-assembly-at-mountain-view-middle-school?original_footer_petition_id=490031288&algorithm=promoted&source_location=petition_footer&grid_position=3&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAMX%2BNB0AAAAAZixN68272oZiMThhYzU3MA%3D%3DTrisha Comstock9,7519,751 Supporters

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